Olivia Hixson , Editor
“This information cannot leave this room. Okay? It would devastate my reputation as a dude.”- The Geek, Sixteen Candles.
Hi, I’m Olivia, or Liv for short. For starters, I absolutely love Sixteen Candles and therefore Jake Ryan (he’s mine, Julia). I also adore anything Disney and I would much rather be in Disneyland that writing my staff bio right now. Seriously- don’t even get me started talking about Disneyland unless you’re prepared for an hour-long spiel on how I cannot describe how amazing it is. I love cats and plan to one day renovate an abandoned barn so I can have all the cats I want and my parents will still visit. I can talk for hours on end, but I will stop now because I’m busy looking at the cats of Disneyland. (Did you know there are about one hundred cats that live in Disneyland??)