Gabi Vasquez (12th), Marketing Editor
Hi-hi :) I’m Gabi, and I’m 17 years old. This is my second time taking this class, and it is my last year here at Pitman! I still love writing and find it therapeutic. I’ve taken a break writing songs because sometimes, it’s just hard! But, I’ve recently gotten into writing poetry, as well as writing it. I am a huge fan of Rupi Kaur and Michaela Angemeer.
Other than that, my favorite color is still pink and also brown. My closet has many pink and brown articles of clothing. I LOVE going to music festivals/concerts! Even if I don’t know the band, I love being surrounded by music and music lovers. Something about the vibe of being with others that share your interests is euphoric to me. I was able to see someone that means a lot to me in concert, and wow, the feeling you get when you see someone that has helped you for years is just amazing.
I still enjoy playing video games, I love cats, and I’m not at all ready to leave high school. I love school and I can’t believe how quickly the years flew by! That’s all, and I hope you enjoy the articles that are pushed out!