Jack The Ripper was the most feared man in the 1880’s. A dead body was found on August 31st, 1888, Mary Ann Nichols, known as Polly Nichols. She had needed money to pay off a bill for staying at a lodging house, which she didn’t have the money for due to using them the day of. She stated that she would get the money soon, in which she resulted in doing prostitution to get money faster. Emily Holland was the last person to see Mary. Emily said that Mary was noticeably drunk, she tried to get Mary to go back home but Mary denied and responded by saying “I’ve had my lodging money three times today, but I’ve spent it all.” and then they parted ways shortly after.
Unforeseen manslaughter
At approximately 3:40 am, Charles Allen Cross came across Mary’s body which was covered by a tarpaulin that was found in a gated stable entrance. Mary’s eyes were open, her legs were straight, and her skirt was raised above her knees. A man named Cross touched Mary’s face in order to tell if she was warm or cold, she was cold but when he touched her hands, they were cold. He had told a man who acquainted him over to Mary that she was indeed not alive, yet Paul was reluctant and still wanted to get her help. They came across PC Jonas Mizen and had explained to him about what they had just seen, alerted as he was, he decided to go check out what they had just seen, to his surprise her throat was sliced.
No tracks or any blood trails to prove someone did it, if anyone were to come across this sighting, they would’ve thought Mary did this to herself. A surgeon was called to come and investigate the scene to see what had happened, it was said that there were two knife marks inflicted to her throat. Her body was still warm which indicated she had been dead for 30 minutes only.
Further examinations
Overlooked would be the right word for Mary, during her body being investigated for any other details they’ve missed they had found multiple other wounds even worse than what they had seen before. Both sides of Mary’s cheeks had been bruised, from what looked like a punch fist or a thumb right before her throat had been inflicted on, these wounds reached to her vertebral column. She had been stabbed twice in her private area, and more gruesome actions that she was put through. Llewellyn had said that there was little to no blood at the crime scene, with this information it was thought that after she had been killed, she had been tortured afterwards to minimize the blood.
The concealed Jack the Ripper
Jack The Ripper was never identified, and as of today is still unidentified. Although there are many theories, none of them were ever able to be proven due to little information that has been collected during the investigations of this case. He is most known for the dire crimes committed known to mankind, every one of his victims were tortured and ripped apart which is where his name plays a role in. There was a letter that was given the name “From Hell Letter”, this was all because of the human liver that was delivered with the letter itself.
There is a theory that Jack the Ripper was a surgeon due to all of the facts he knew about the human body, he knew how to kill a body and mutilate it with little to no blood around him during the process of the torture. All five of the canonic victims were seemingly to have the same fate during the killing process, maybe he was this brutal because they were prostitutes. No one will ever know; it is unfortunate to know about what these women went through and how we weren’t able to serve them the justice they all deserved.