Hi, I am Annabelle Gutierrez, a 17 year old student from Pitman High School. I want to tell you the students’ opinions on homework including my own. I will be asking questions such as: “Is homework important?”, “Does it really help students on their way to success?”, and “Why is homework a thing?”
Honestly, my opinion on homework is why do we even have it?
After all, half of the students don’t even try.
School alone affects student mental health as it is by a HUGE amount. So, my opinion on students having homework is a no. It’s pointless, it just takes time from extra things the students could be doing outside of school.
I asked a few students from Pitman High, Spratling Middle School, and Keyes Elementary their opinion on homework, and here is what they have to say:
“Hi, my name is Roberto Garcia, I am a 16 year old student from Pitman High School, and I think homework is a good thing because it helps people study their work.”
“Hi, my name is Naomi Lara, I am a 17 year old student from Pitman High School, and my opinion on homework is good, because homework keeps your mind focused on what you are learning, it’s almost like a reteach of what we learn.”
“Hi, I am Hanna Marie Smith, I am 11, I go to Spratling Middle School, and I think homework is bad and boring, I don’t understand why it is important.”
“Hi, my name is Isidora Gutierrez, I am 10, I go to Keyes Elementary, I think homework is unnecessary because it is just boring and hard work. Why should we have to do extra work, when we could be spending it with family?”
There are many different opinions on if we should have homework or not. My vote now is yes, we should have homework, because it keeps us busy and helps us remember what we’ve learned that day. I think homework is a super important concept for students, even though some take it for granted. Students typically retain only 50% of the information teachers provide in class, and they need to apply that information, such as in homework, in order to truly learn it.
I would say the majority of the votes including my own is yes. Students should have homework because it is a crucial part of learning and it helps students refocus the topic of what they learned.