Recently I asked a student at Pitman High School, “What are your thoughts on cloning?” His response was, “Cloning shouldn’t be normal or a continuous thing.” What is cloning? Cloning is collecting cells of another species or animals and sometimes a human. A simple explanation of cloning is, if you had twins but only used cells to create them.
It all began in 1997 when scientists cloned their first animal, a sheep who they nicknamed Dolly. Dolly was just a single cell in a test tube taken from a memory gland from another sheep, Finn the Dorset. Another egg cell was taken from a Scottish Blackface sheep. After a while the cells began to form Dolly the sheep. This was the first successful cloning trial. Before Dolly, scientists tried many times to figure out a way to clone. It took scientists 277 tries to successfully clone Dolly.
Even though they were successful, there were many negative effects that occurred as well. One major effect was when Dolly became an adult, her caretakers diagnosed her with an incurable lung tumor in 2000. Another effect is that Dolly the sheep has never been outside, due to the fact that she was cloned.
There have been theories about human cloning, one popular theory is Kanye West being cloned. Many people speculate this due to the fact that Kanye looks very different today compared to last year. When you look up recent pictures of Kayne he looks vastly different from last year, he looks almost as if he’s not real. Kayne seems to have different features and seems taller than what he really is. Another speculation about Kanye is that he’s been quiet in recent interviews compared to past ones where he was sassy and loud. The interviewers summarized the fact that he sounded different and paused a lot, almost like he didn’t understand what the reporters were asking him or saying.
There’s many more theories about cloning on many celebrities like Beyoncé and Avril Lavaign. But there’s little to no evidence in pictures of celebrities before and after Avril Lavaign had beauty marks on her arm and the after photo showed them way lower in her arm.
But the real reason is why even clone people? One speculation is that some celebrities don’t obey rules on their contracts. Another speculation is when a celebrity boss ends up taking over them and sometimes they tend to overwork the celebrity, causing a celebrity to be too exhausted. Recently there was a video that came out a week ago on September 18, 2023 at a NFL Football game. There were two AI robots that looked exactly like humans.
Then when the truth comes out they clone them in order to keep them quiet. A question that is being asked: “Well what if the people around us could be cloned too?” There are so many theories we still don’t know. What if all people that were maybe cloned just robots? AI and robots are becoming apart of our new generation….