Recycled Fashion Trends

October 17, 2022
We are all aware of how trends in fashion, music, and phrases have repeated themselves over history. A few years ago, 80’s fashion such as graphic tees, patterned button ups, and colored windbreakers were popular. Recently, “preppy” and “grunge” styles from the 90’s have resurfaced and now a lot are into a 2000’s trend style referred to as “y2k.” Y2k styles consist of low rise jeans, bedazzled tops, and brands like Juicy Couture, Ed Hardy, and Miss Me.
Fashion trends in the 2000’s were all vaguely similar around the world. In India, mini skirts, denim low rise, halters/tube tops, and chain belts were popular. In Japan, a style called Agejo Gyaru was popular which consisted of platform boots, faux fur, hostess style dresses, and dramatic makeup. In Jamaica, clothes were very blinged out, shiny material, bikini type tops, short shorts were popular.
Alternative fashion styles from the 90’s and 2000’s such as mall-goth, emo, grunge, skate-punk, and cyberpunk have been trending recently as well. Clothing like big boots, chains, band tees, dyed hair, dramatic makeup, and dark themed colors.
When asked how do you pick out your personal style and is it based on current fashion trends, Turlock High student Isabella Perez, answered with, “I pick my personal style based on late 90’s-early 2000’s fashion trends mixed with newer aspects. Low rise jeans, blinged out everything, animal print, chunky sneakers, but newer brands.”
America can be seen as a sort of blueprint for fashion all over the world. It’s common to see trends that are popular in America in many different countries. Ever since the 20’s trends in fashion have been vaguely similar to American trends.
I wondered, since trends from the 80’s, 90’s, and 2000’s have all come back in a shorter time span than when they originally were trending, what decade is the next generation to choose?
Insight from Perez states “I have noticed that people really into fashion gravitate towards an era that seems aesthetically appealing but like to update it and are very experimental with it.”
Futuristic and avant-garde clothing designs are next on the roster many say. Featuring designs like cut-outs, layers, straps, and garments released in earlier seasons of high-end designers inspired heavily by street fashion with dramatic prints or textures. My generation will bring subversive fashion into current trends and everyday wear.
“Archival fashion is definitely coming next for us,” Perez says.