Pitman Construction: 2020-2021

Nick Ashak (9th), Reporter

The whole world right now is going through some sort of change. Many/most people are not used to the pandemic life, but nobody here at Pitman High School is used to the new and improved sections of our school.

There’s going to be a snack bar located between the pool and the gym, facing the quad. The men you see doing construction everyday outside of the school are building exactly that. The loud noises you constantly hear while walking to P.E or to class will be worth it. They are working extremely hard, always out there sweating and grinding away at their job to make this happen, so a big shout-out to them! Without those hard workers none of this would be possible.  No matter what the construction workers are building, they try very to get this project done and ready for the next school year.

The snack bar (which will be used during swim meets and water polo games as well as during the school’s daily lunch time) is projected to come out next school year. As an average teenager who loves sugar (not the best thing to like but every kid does) I personally cannot wait. No information on what the prices are for the items they will sell (which also has very little information on) but snacks are snacks. It has been said that pizza will be sold during the school lunch time.

The school’s pool has been remodeled here as well; it was just finished last week.  Located in the same area, it is a cleaner, safer, and overall better pool. If you do swimming or water polo I can promise you your swimming experience will be 10x better than the previous pool. 

These additions to our school are definitely worth it. A snack bar gives kids the opportunity to purchase their cravings, and can prevent a black market (kids bringing snacks from home and raising the prices) which is a random, but fun fact. The pool will 100 percent pay off. A dirty pool is a nightmare and I guarantee a clean pool feels much better; a safer pool is also self explanatory.  An overall better pool will make all of the swimmers happy. Even if you do not swim for sport – you may swim during PE, so this improvement benefits many.

I asked my English teacher, Keith Martin, his opinion on everything going on. He says the pool needed work, as it has been 19 years since the last pool construction and I completely agree. He is also excited for the snack bar, but he is retiring so sadly he cannot experience either new feature next year.