Becoming an Adult 

Sara Mendes (12th), Reporter

Some think turning 18 is a scary thing, which it is because of the fact that we’re growing up and we’re not considered kids anymore and it sucks to think about that, but you get to do more things and have more privileges as an adult. I’m here to make the thought of turning 18 less scary.


So, first of all, I just turned 18 in February and days before my birthday, I was freaking out because I was becoming an adult. After all the scary thoughts, I started to think about all the fun things I could possibly do. I actually got my first tattoo and it was a great experience to be able to sign my own paper for consent because you feel truly like an adult. 


You can also get piercings, register to vote and get your driver’s license. The only thing that’s different about getting your license at 16 and 18 is that at 18 you won’t have to do behind the wheel training classes, which is very nice. Another fun one you can do is go buy lottery tickets which can be fun, but impractical. When any of you guys turn 18, I highly suggest, if you can, go and get a small tattoo. It’s a lot of fun and a great memory to have. 


I got Sierra Smith’s opinion and what she wanted to do when she turned 18.

“I would love to get some tattoos and try to win some money on lottery tickets. I’d also really enjoy getting a piercing or two and also sign my own papers without my parents permission.”


“Some things you can do when you turn 18 is you can get tattoos, piercings, vote and buy lottery tickets to have an opportunity to win some free money.”


“Some things you can’t do is drink alcohol, you can’t go out to clubs, can’t test drive vehicles and you can’t rent a car. You have to be 21 or older for that.”


“I don’t wish that 18 year olds had more privileges because I feel like America if kids were able to do more things just at 18, they’re going to be irresponsible and take things for granted.”

I liked what Sierra had to say and the part about 18 year olds not having more privileges, I 100% agree with that because we are irresponsible when it comes to decision making, in most cases.  


These are just some of the options and all the ones mentioned such as, tattoo, piercing, and lottery tickets are all fun, but there’s some more fun ones and also serious activities as well. One cool thing that I didn’t know about was you can buy fireworks and spray paint as an 18 year old. So go ahead go vandalize some buildings and set fire to some things, just kidding don’t go do that please! 


Onto the serious things, you get to register to vote in the presidential elections, open a bank account, work full time and the big one, Go to jail. With voting, there’s great importance with it because your voice is accountable. Opening a bank account is also a nice thing. Start saving money for the future. Working full time, getting more money. Now don’t go to jail, one place you don’t want to be is there. 


Whatever you may do when you turn 18, just remember, you’re an adult now with adult consequences, be safe!! 

By Sara Mendes


Some think turning 18 is a scary thing, which it is because of the fact that we’re growing up and we’re not considered kids anymore and it sucks to think about that, but you get to do more things and have more privileges as an adult. I’m here to make the thought of turning 18 less scary.


So, first of all, I just turned 18 in February and days before my birthday, I was freaking out because I was becoming an adult. After all the scary thoughts, I started to think about all the fun things I could possibly do. I actually got my first tattoo and it was a great experience to be able to sign my own paper for consent because you feel truly like an adult. 


You can also get piercings, register to vote and get your driver’s license. The only thing that’s different about getting your license at 16 and 18 is that at 18 you won’t have to do behind the wheel training classes, which is very nice. Another fun one you can do is go buy lottery tickets which can be fun, but impractical. When any of you guys turn 18, I highly suggest, if you can, go and get a small tattoo. It’s a lot of fun and a great memory to have. 


I got Sierra Smith’s opinion and what she wanted to do when she turned 18.

“I would love to get some tattoos and try to win some money on lottery tickets. I’d also really enjoy getting a piercing or two and also sign my own papers without my parents permission.”


“Some things you can do when you turn 18 is you can get tattoos, piercings, vote and buy lottery tickets to have an opportunity to win some free money.”


“Some things you can’t do is drink alcohol, you can’t go out to clubs, can’t test drive vehicles and you can’t rent a car. You have to be 21 or older for that.”


“I don’t wish that 18 year olds had more privileges because I feel like America if kids were able to do more things just at 18, they’re going to be irresponsible and take things for granted.”

I liked what Sierra had to say and the part about 18 year olds not having more privileges, I 100% agree with that because we are irresponsible when it comes to decision making, in most cases.  


These are just some of the options and all the ones mentioned such as, tattoo, piercing, and lottery tickets are all fun, but there’s some more fun ones and also serious activities as well. One cool thing that I didn’t know about was you can buy fireworks and spray paint as an 18 year old. So go ahead go vandalize some buildings and set fire to some things, just kidding don’t go do that please! 


Onto the serious things, you get to register to vote in the presidential elections, open a bank account, work full time and the big one, Go to jail. With voting, there’s great importance with it because your voice is accountable. Opening a bank account is also a nice thing. Start saving money for the future. Working full time, getting more money. Now don’t go to jail, one place you don’t want to be is there. 


Whatever you may do when you turn 18, just remember, you’re an adult now with adult consequences, be safe!!