Attendance Low During School’s Impending Suspension
March 18, 2020
With the impending school suspension set to begin tomorrow – Thursday, March 19 – Pitman’s attendance saw a huge hit. Parents who chose to keep their child home this week were all given excused absences as it is their choice and right to do so in these times of such knowns due to the Corona Virus – or COVID-19.
Monday’s attendance was lower than usual with 28% of students staying home. Many students came to get information on their classes and work to be done while the school suspension is going on, while others came to make-up tests or turn-in assignments before third quarter grades are due from teachers (Wednesday by 3:30pm).
Tuesday’s attendance was approximately 45% lower than usual and today’s attendance saw another drastic drop with about 1/3 of students being absent – only 665 showing-up for school.
Teachers worked tirelessly this week to get assignments ready for students while they are at home; and many students worked hard this week to submit missing work for their 3rd quarter grades as well as getting information from teachers about assignments to be done at home.
Make sure you are checking with your teachers via email, Google Classroom, Remind App, and any other form of communication set-up by your instructor. As high school students this may seem like a break from school, but we are expected to do the work assigned to us!
Stay healthy! Wash your hands and hopefully we’ll be seeing each other in a few weeks. Also, hug a senior if you see him/her (well, maybe air high-five considering we need to be keeping our distance right now); but that student may have anxiety about the unknowns of the remainder of their senior year.