Tips for Finals Week

Tips for Finals Week

Adrienne Navarette (12th), Reporter

It is officially December which means Christmas break and finals! We ́re almost there guys! It’s time to get studying because, in about two weeks’ time, Pitman finals will be here! I know that when I was a freshman, I would have wanted more insight on finals and what to do in order to get better prepared, so if thatś you, this is an article for you!

  1. Make Time- It is very important to be on time! Wake up earlier than usual if you need to, make sure to have enough time for breakfast, a shower or whatever your morning routine consists of and don’t forget! If you arrive too late to school, you won’t be able to actually take it. Trust me when I say the last thing you want is to be rushed out the door in the morning and then later be pushed into finals! Make time for it, it will be worth it.
  2. Use your resources- Most teachers I know will give a study guide for their finals, but sometimes you may need a little more help which is totally okay, don’t be afraid to ask more questions if there’s a time and a place to do that, it is now. The more you know the better your test scores chances will be on having a higher score.
  3. Pack a Lunch/ snacks – Between the four gapped periods, we as the whole student body only get around 15 minutes for lunch, last year I didn’t get to eat between the periods because of how crowded it was and I forgot to pack something to eat ! Never Again! Therefore I recommend bringing a few snacks and water to keep up your energy.
  4. Dress Comfy- Feel free to dress comfortably when coming to school! Pajamas/sweats anything you feel comfy in. We’re here only until noon and all we´re doing is taking tests! If you feel a bit embarrassed don’t be! Plenty of students dress comfy and even bring pillows and blankets. You yourself can also bring blankets! ( depending on what teacher you have) but I don’t know any who would oppose it. 
  5. Study!- I cannot stress this enough, although we may believe we know the material and have been going over it for weeks in a classroom, finals are different! Also, it does not hurt to go over the study guide and refresh your head a bit. You can study the night before, the morning before, doesn’t matter just as long as you study.
  6. Get Sleep – I don’t know if it’s just me or not, but whenever I have something important the next morning, the night before I can never get any sleep! You should try to get as much sleep as you can because it will be very hard to stay focused in class, especially since you will be staying in the same class for two hours.

 Those are all the tips I have for you guys today! I hope all of you were able to gain something from this article, and remember just try your best! That’s all you can do at the end of the day! With that being said good luck on your finals and have a blessed rest of your day!