The Student Spotlight Presents… Victoria Spears!
February 21, 2019
Welcome to Student Spotlight! This time we are highlighting the achievements of a super special student, Victoria Spears!
Spears is very involved in dance and volunteering at the Turlock Animal Shelter. She has been helping out at the animal shelter for over a year now and The Roaring Times thought she was the perfect fit for our spotlight! Let’s see what she had to say:
Olivia: How old are you and what grade level are you in?
Victoria: I am fifteen and I am a sophomore.
Olivia: What do you want to be when you are older?
Victoria: I want to major in veterinary medicine.
Olivia: What do you like to do in your free time?
Victoria: In my free time I volunteer at the animal shelter and then I like to read. I also sing and dance.
Olivia: What inspired you to do so much community service?
Victoria: I really like to help the community and those in need.
Olivia: Why did you pick to volunteer at the animal shelter?
Victoria: It probably stems from my passion for animals and my love for dogs and cats!
This sophomore definitely has a bright future ahead of her! Her selfless nature and ambition to help those in need has inspired many here at Pitman!