The University Myth
November 6, 2018
On the assumption that you are a youth from a family that is educated or otherwise, it is universally accepted that grooming children for college is the only avenue to success.
If only they neglect the implausibility of advancement and plausibility of anxiety, depression, attempts at suicide, and long-term mental health ailments.
With the rise of the modern world, it has become more apparent that employment is available for any adversity, but the message has not been received by everyone, and is generally ignored by those who have had the pursuit of higher-education ingrained in them since infancy.
A complication exists with estimating a degree to be fundamental for all, despite any specialized skills or interests they may possess.
A variety of the more dominating businesspersons such as Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, and Bill Gates have to universities achievements to display. Ray Bradbury and Mark Twain, whose works are required reading in schools, and J.K. Rowling (whose books should be) have lesser schooling than less-established authors.
These stories of prosperity are not shared because they are unique, but because they are not.
Unfortunately, the contemporary era is largely made up of overburdened, overextended pupils, cramming for exams that they believe promises them a place in college, and a prospect of benefits.
They are consistently told what is best for them before they can decide so for themselves, and may not realize it until they are drowning in tens of thousands of dollars in student loans.
The intention of the academic community shouldn’t be grooming juveniles for college, but strategizing for definite, individualized plans, for which young adults will pursue enthusiastically.
In their high school career, juniors are expected to learn algebra, geometry, and calculus, having been advised that they will “need this for college.” Because a cosmetology, photography, or psychology major use it so often.
There is a tendency to underestimate the younger generation, stimulated by the brand that they couldn’t possibly be as culturally developed as senior employees. This misconception excludes early adults from integrating into the workforce.
Their university degrees are ignored completely, as “skills cannot be adequately harnessed until maturity is reached.” Yay for ageism!
Full potential can be reached even before adulthood. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart wrote his first composition at age 6 and his first opera at age 12. Stevie Wonder, considered a child prodigy, wrote and recorded six #1 hit songs by age 13. When she was 15 years old, Malala Yousafzai was attacked and shot by the Taliban for her efforts in civil rights, and survived to become the youngest winner of the Nobel Peace Prize at age 17. The list is unceasing.
If only society could grant students the competence to seek their individual fascinations, some may feel inclined toward a prestigious higher-education. Some may not. Neither path is more valid than the other.
The comprehensive truth is that he or she who explores an avenue beyond the mold of college, may thrive financially and emotionally in correlation to the person who allowed themselves to be guided by the blind.