How to Make Schools Safer

October 5, 2018
As of today in 2018, over four hundred people have been victims of gun violence in schools- whether they were directly involved or related or friends with those involved directly.
We should help make schools safer and lessen out the amount of shootings. We may be overwhelmed and unsure of how we can help. But your voice as a parent, student, staff member of a school and a citizen is very much needed by society.
Some students had some things to say about school safety. A freshman suggested that you can put metal detectors on the doors, so you know if people have any weapons with them. The responsibilities of society is to make schools safer by not bringing any weapons to school and be aware if they hear or see someone planning to attack the school.
Another freshman’s opinion on school safety was that you can have security checks to see if visitors have a weapon they plan on taking to the campus or not. The responsibilities of society include to make it difficult for other people to attain guns and carry weapons near schools.
There are also some precautions for the students to reduce school shootings. Before a school shooting something usually happens. The school shooters usually get bullied at school or might have anger issues. The students also have some responsibilities to stop school shootings like to stand up for a person who is getting bullied and the biggest one of all not bullying anyone or making fun of them in the first place.
It is also the responsibility of the students to not make anyone feel alone. Students make sure that if anyone is sitting alone and has no friends you can start a conversation that gets to know them and start being friends with them.
If you hear or see something that is related to a shooting or if you think an act of violence is going to occur, please report it. No one should think that you want to snitch on them or you just want to be cool because you don’t know how many lives you can save. By reporting such incidents, you have the potential to possibly save your friend’s life or your favorite teacher’s life.
School shootings are prevented when students trust their teachers and classmates enough to share their struggles with them.
To sum it all up whenever a drill or an unfortunate event takes place the students need to go to the nearest classroom, hide and wait for the teacher’s further instructions. The schools should also have drills regularly so if anything out of the ordinary occurs, the students know how to respond.
To make Pitman more safer school officials are going to be putting fences around the school in the summer of 2019. PItman already has cameras to watch the students and ensure their security.
The most important thing, however, is that students and teachers nationwide be aware and cautious about student behavior.