Teacher Talk! with Ms. Newman
March 12, 2018
Welcome to Teacher Talk! A new segment where we talk to teachers about their experiences of being a teacher, and what they enjoy most about teaching. Today, I got to have a chat with Mrs. Newman about what she likes about teaching, what she enjoys doing in general, and advice that she gives to her students. Here are the fun things we’ve discussed:
Nicole: So I just want to thank you again for doing this. So how long have you been a teacher?
Ms. Newman: I’ve been a teacher for um… um 14 years yeah, because I had a different career before that, so I changed that career midway.
Nicole: Wow.
Nicole: So, what do you like most about being a teacher?
Ms. Newman: I love interacting with the students; truly love them. Especially high school because they have a sense of humor. Love that. I especially enjoy when they find a love for something that I have a passion for. That makes me happy. When I see a light bulb go on like they get something, it makes me happy. It’s like okay, I’ve accomplished something. So yea, I enjoy that, and I enjoy the interaction and helping the minds to think a little bit. And to maybe see something differently that they looked at before, or to even start looking at things differently.
Nicole:I really like that.
Ms. Newman: Yeah.
Nicole: Yea, so what do you like to do on your freetime?
Ms. Newman: On my freetime, um, I love to read, I love to play tennis, of course I love to read, it’s english I have to love to read. I like movies. So those kinds of things, I love to do all that. And love being with family; I love being with my children and granddaughter, which I’m a grandmother now so…
Nicole: Awww.
Ms. Newman: Yea. Pretty cool.
Nicole: So as an english teacher, how important do think reading is?
Ms. Newman: I cannot stress how important reading is. It has been statistically proven to increase your vocabulary, to make you a better writer. It’s so valuable that we should have time for it in every class. So I can’t say it enough how important it is. And not only that, reading just.. It just works on your imagination. You can imagine far more than what they create on special effects. You just can. So you can see so much more when your reading something than when it’s put into a film. You know, you can’t just do justice to a good book with a movie, you just can’t.
Nicole:Mm. I love reading books. So what is your favorite book?
Ms. Newman: To Kill A Mockingbird. It has been a favorite since my sophomore year in high school. That’s when I discovered it, and have loved it ever since. And the more I teach it, the more I love it. And I think the many lessons that are… that are integrated into that story, just a beautiful story about morality and standing up for what’s right; and it just teaches so much about life.
Nicole: Yeah, i know. When we read that our sophomore year, that was my favorite book that we read.
Ms. Newman: Yea, yea I still love it so much. I do.
Nicole: The last question is when students struggle, what is your best advice for them?
Ms. Newman: Um…practice,practice,practice, whatever they’re struggling in, and talk to the teacher. Most of the teachers I know, if they’re asked, they will try to find a way to help a student. We are just so seldom really asked to help them when they’re struggling. I offer every year, and I have very few students that actually take me of on it. Which is… it makes me sad. But I would say whatever you’re not good at, that’s what you need to practice.
Nicole: That’s really good advice.
We don’t get good at a sport without practice. We don’t play… you know nobody got to the superbowl without lots of practice. You don’t get to the World Series without practice. So we shouldn’t expect to be good at something when we don’t practice it. So that’s my advice.
Nicole: Mm. That’s pretty good advice. So thank you Ms. Newman.
Ms. Newman: You are so welcome.
It was really fun to get to sit with Ms. Newman and talk. Even if it was a short interview. I feel like I’ve gotten to learn some great facts about her and not only asked her advice but also considered her advice. That’s it for all on Teacher Talk!