Pitman Soccer Takes One Giant Step Forward

Melisa Lanzar (12th), Reporter

As the seasons begin to change and winter will soon be coming to an end, our Pitman soccer teams are fired up and ready to begin their season! Both girls and boys soccer have high hopes and have faith that they will achieve their dreams, winning the CCC Championship title. Everyday after school, our boys and girls are working hard and putting in work in order to accomplish their dreams and make Pitman proud!

For weeks now, our students have been conditioning and training in order to prepare for their tournaments and upcoming events that this season has planned for them. We asked some students from the girls soccer team about how far the girls have gotten. Amrit Hayer, Varsity soccer player says “We have pre season games with other high schools and have a planned tournament Friday and Saturday at Pitman complex on Dec. 8th and 9th.”

Rigorously training and conditioning everyday after school is very difficult, yet our soccer girls and boys are continuously putting their heart and souls into practice. As the days continue, the training grows and our soccer players are flourishing and thriving in their soccer skills day by day. For years now, our soccer players have loved soccer and sticked to this sport for a while now. Amrit Hayer also told us that Pitman soccer girls and boys “ usually train throughout the year as most of the players are on travel teams and have competed with other schools.”

Aside from all the training and conditioning our Pitman soccer players push through, the question is what do they hope to accomplish this year?

Varsity soccer star, Giselle Barajas told us that “We hope to win the CCC’s title. I hope for all the members to work together and unite as fellow teammates in order to win the CCC title. Other years we have won but last year we did not therefore we are much more motivated this year.”

Playing sports is not always about merely winning or losing though. Giselle continues to tell us “Other than just winning CCCs, I hope to get closer to my team and unite all class ranks, making this year memorable. Also, I want to continue making great memories and thrive in my last year of soccer here at Pitman high.

Even Mr. Hofsteen, the boys soccer coach said that ”This year, our boys team have won two matches and are killing it! I am very proud of them and see them amounting to great things.”  

Day to day, our soccer players are determined and persistent in training and winning CCCs. Both the girls and boys are full of spirits and optimistically conditioning after school in order to achieve their dreams. As soccer season is approaching, our players are getting very excited! Lets see what this year’s soccer season has in store for us!