Jeff Denham Offering Students Volunteer Internships
October 30, 2017
At Pitman High School, all students from sophomore to senior year require community service hours as part of their second semester history grade. This year, some students here are filling out their worksheets with a unique political internship opportunity.
Stanislaus County, as part of California’s 10th congressional district, is currently represented in Congress’s House of Representatives by Republican Jeff Denham. He has held the position since 2013 and won two successive elections since; however, members of the House will be coming up for reelection in 2018, and Jeff Denham’s campaign is already starting to move.
It is common for political campaigns to offer internships for students as both a volunteer opportunity and as experience in the behind-the-scenes work of politicians. Often, it is secretarial in nature (like handling files or receiving phone calls) or part of their political advertising.
Thankfully for Pitman students, Congressman Denham’s campaign has been offering high schoolers such a chance through the Congressional Leadership Fund (CLF), a super PAC committed to promoting conservative politicians.
As volunteers, students can help support his campaign by traveling door-to-door or calling district residents to ask survey questions on important political topics.
“The experience is very valuable, especially those interested in politics,” said senior Brooklyn James, who recently participated in the program. “It creates an opportunity for the youth to get involved in local politics.”
While the internship is technically unpaid, students working for the office can receive gas cards for the travel as well as other gift cards. This makes it an ideal volunteering opportunity for any high school students with required community service hours, including Pitman High School.
“You learn a lot about politics and about political elections,” added senior Emily Monson, also participating in the internship. “I personally have learned things that I probably wouldn’t have learned if I didn’t take that opportunity.”
The CLF office is located in Modesto on McHenry Avenue. Students normally work a few days after school and can work on the weekends.
“I worked two to three days a week from after school until 6:00 and Saturdays from 12:00 to 5:00,” explained Brooklyn James.
For any high school students interested in politics and supporting their local Representative, this CLF internship for Jeff Denham’s campaign is the perfect opportunity for valuable volunteer work. Contact either the Congressional Leadership Fund online or Pitman senior Emily Monson for more information if you want to participate.