Introducing The New Creative Writing Club

Introducing The New Creative Writing Club

Nicole Azof (12th), Reporter

There are many great and fun clubs at Pitman. The school is always expanding, adding more and more clubs, which is totally great and shows a lot of spirit in our school. One of the new clubs that was recently started is the Creative Writing Club.

Creative Writing Club is a club where students can write their own fun stories. Creative Writing is usually during Pride Time, and not everyone who wants to do it cannot do it because spots are limited, or most students want to do it but can’t because they were flagged or had to do another class. Now if they were not able to get the pride time, they go to the club meetings that will take place every Thursday during lunch in room B122, with Ms. Insell.

Not a lot of information is provided yet for the club. Ms. Insell says she does not know what kind of things they will do, but people should come and join and suggest what they want to do.The goal for now is to let people know about the club and get them to join. At the first meeting, a petition for Creative Writing Club was put out to sign, and all the spots on the petition were filled. It was also mentioned on the announcements during homeroom. So when you see posters or you hear about it on the announcements, and you enjoy writing stories, then go attend the club meetings and participate in what this club has to offer.Those who do go to the club can expand their skills on storytelling, interact with other students, read each other’s stories, and give and get feedback on how to improve each other’s stories. These are all great benefits for those who strive to be an author or a television writer.

Every student’s got a special skill and great talent, and it just so happens that Creative Writing Club is a great place to come and share their amazing skills and wonderful stories to other students and Ms. Insell, who happens to be an English teacher as well, which gives a great benefit as she can help with any grammar or spelling checks. And she loves to read or hear the kids’ stories.

Creative Writing Club is open to anyone. It’s a fun and great way to learn creative writing skills or work on writing skills in general, an opportunity to meet and make new friends, and an opportunity to share your stories to others. So, take your ideas, pick up your pencil, grab your journal, get your friends, go to room B122, sit down on a desk, and START WRITING!!