New Years Resolutions: Try Again Next Year

“New year, new me.” Or so everyone says.

Almost everyone has something they want to change about themselves or do something new, and what better time to start than January 1?

People have been creating New Year resolutions since… well, it’s been a while. But not everyone is able to keep those resolutions throughout the entire year for one reason or another.

Some people get tired of keeping their resolutions and give up. Others mess up once and decide it’s impossible. A few special people forget that they even had resolutions to begin with.

We try to tackle the toughest things as New Year resolutions, and the following are some of them.

  1. No Cursing

As everyone gets older, they learn new words, and then we use these new words because they can better express what we are trying to say than our old vocabulary. However, these new words are not always proper. But we use them anyway, maybe because they make us feel bad*ss. And no matter how hard we try to stop, it just never seems to work.

One student at Pitman High School shared her experience with this resolution. She began using curse words in elementary school and tried to break her bad habit one year. She was not able to make it through a week, and then she gave up altogether.

  1. No Chocolate

As someone whose choice of sugar is chocolate, it is really hard to not eat it. Something that works in helping to not eat as much chocolate is to get rid of it. I give away candy to my friends so I don’t cave in. It is so much easier to not eat chocolate when it’s not there.

  1. Losing Weight

“I’m going to start working out more and I’m not going to eat any junk food.”

So much easier said than done.

Many people make the mistake of going hard at the beginning, not realizing that that’s not the way to go. The key is to gradually change your lifestyle so it doesn’t hit you like a brick in the face. Going at it all at once will tire a person out and make them quit before he/she makes any progress.

Slow and steady wins the race.

  1. No Slacking in School

In most parts of the world, students are beginning their second half of the school year when they return to school at the beginning of a new year. At this point, many students are about ready to drop out because they feel like they can’t handle another semester.

It happens every year, so this year, you have made a resolution to make sure it doesn’t happen. You’re on top of things for the first week back, but then it’s downhill from there.

Why? Because you have realized that you’re still tired and your mind is tricking you into thinking that school doesn’t really matter.

Whatever your New Year resolutions are, they are most likely going to be difficult to accomplish. The key to success is to never give up. If it doesn’t work anyway, you can always try again next year.