Barktoberfest: Dogs, Lederhosen, and Dogs in Lederhosen
October 13, 2016
For the past six years the Placer SPCA organization has been holding Barktoberfest for families and people of all ages to enjoy some time with their dogs.
Just recently, the Placer SPCA organization hosted their sixth annual Barktoberfest fundraiser in Roseville, California. All earnings from the event will let the Placer SPCA organization continue to help pets and their owners in Placer county.
Barktoberfest is held by the Placer SPCA organization to parody a long running tradition in Germany called Oktoberfest.
Typically held in Munich, Germany, Oktoberfest is a folk festival with an assortment of festivities like parades, concerts and food vendors.
Similar to its antecedent, Barktoberfest has a myriad of events that people may participate in such as the two and a half or five kilometer fun run where people may walk their dogs in a friendly competition.
This year the Placer SPCA organization held a costume contest for dogs and their owners alike, a pet trick contest, and Roseville police department showed a K9 demonstration the festival’s visitors.
Throughout the day there were demonstrations from the Starfleet Flyball Club. Their demonstrations involved an exhibit of the events and workings of the Flyball sport. Later in the day Starfleet held Flyball lessons for any of the visitors interested in learning the sport after their various demonstrations.
Of course there were also an assortment of food vendors like taco trucks, kettle corn stands, sandwich shops, and yogurt booths. There were other services too like a dog IQ booth, a raffle, a thrift store, a veterinary hospital just in case your dog gets hurt, a petting sitter, a dog groomer, a bakery, a dog coffee shop just in case your dog needs some pep in their step, a Flyball club, and so much more that wasn’t mentioned.
Since the Placer SPCA organization is also an adoption service there were several rescue groups urging Barktoberfest visitors to adopt their rescue dogs throughout the day. There were nine rescue groups at Barktoberfest this year including Gold Country Love on a Leash, Golden Gate Basset Rescue, Internet Miniature Pinscher Service, NorCal Cocker Rescue, Northern California Bloodhound Rescue, Incorporated, One by One Rescue Project, Pom to the Rescue, RUFF – Rocklin Residents Unite for Fido, And WTCares.
If you missed out on Barktoberfest this year then there will always be next time so you better get your costumes and practice your dog tricks for next year.