PHS POP Schedule
May 4, 2016
As of the 2016-17 school year at Pitman High School, all students and staff will be a part of the “POP” schedule (POP- Progress Of Pride).
The POP schedule was created for students who need the extra help, as well as providing enrichment opportunities for others.
Every day of the week (excluding Wednesday’s) every student will go to a classroom in which they are struggling in or for those that aren’t necessarily in the need of the extra help, more of an elective like class period. The POP period is about 30 minutes. The main focus of the new schedule is to reinforce learning targets and to deliver information to students.
Every Monday the students will go to their homeroom and sign up/ receive the schedule of the courses they will be taking for the following week.
This new and improved schedule is expected to be beneficial to the students and staff on campus.
30 percent of seniors have taken one or more summer school secessions,15 percent of seniors have lower than a 2.0 GPA, and on average 30 students transfer to Roselawn. The extra period is expected to help those students and lower those numbers.
But why the POP schedule? Why can’t students just go to the teacher in which they need extra help or guidance?
The issue is, that the extra tutoring the teachers provide whether it be before, after, or during school isn’t mandatory. Students aren’t forced to
go to these secessions and for those that do, it may not be a sufficient amount of time. Every
3 in 5 students admit that although they may need help in a class, they wouldn’t go to tutoring that a teacher offers.
However, the POP schedule isn’t optional, it’s mandatory. Every student is required to go to this period and attend the “extra help”. Students will be guided and learning targets will be reinforced.
For those students who aren’t assigned to a specific class, and/or not eligible for an “extra elective”, they will be put in a “study hall” which is supervised by PHS staff.
Junior Chris Martinez says,” I think this new schedule may have a positive and effective outcome because it’s extra help we need that is given to us. And it’s mandatory.”
The POP schedule will be put to play next year. it is expected to have a positive and successful outcome.