Thespian Initiation

Kayla Bennett (11th), Reporter

Thespian initiation was created in 1929 by a group of high school and college students who each had a passion for theatre. They originally named their group Thespis who, according to Greek mythology, was the first actor ever.

A student is eligible to participate in thespian initiation after having 100 hours of participating in theatre in any way. This includes building sets, rehearsals, making costumes, performing, and running the tech booth.

Pitman High School has been participating in thespian initiation since 2002. Julie McBay, Pitman’s drama teacher, proudly supports the arts and all those who become thespians.

McBay stated, “I think it shows dedication and commitment to the arts and it separates some of the theatre kids that enjoy theatre as an elective versus those who truly want to pursue it as a carrier.”

At Pitman, thespian initiation begins April 4th-6th. Students who are in the process of becoming a thespian are called neophytes until they achieve the title of thespian. (That is, of course, if they end up gaining enough points to become a thespian.)

A neophyte has to gain a certain amount of points in order to become a thespian. They gain these points by performing silly tasks given by thespians at the school. Another way to score points is through the creativity of the costumes a neophyte is asked to wear each day of the initiation.

Alex Williams, Senior Thespian, recalled her initiation, “My most memorable task was probably when Andrew Cheeseman told me to climb onto a light pole and scream like I was Godzilla!“

Neophytes are required to wear a decorated beanie hat while on the school campus. If a neophyte removes the beanie or if the hat falls off and touches the ground he or she will lose all of their current points even if is it the last day of the initiation.

The beanie dance is another key aspect to the initiation. The beanie dance is a mash up of different inside jokes that are created by the thespians at the school. The neophytes have to memorize the beanie dance and perform it for any teacher who asks, “Why are you wearing that hat?”

On the final day there is a test that is filled with questions about thespian initiation both nationally and from Pitman High School.

Thespian initiation is a great and fun opportunity for anyone with a passion for theatre. Being a thespian is the highest title for a theatre student and looks great on college application. Being a thespian shows dedication and a love for theatre and also helps actors move past their comfort zone.