R.I.P.D is an American comedy movie based on the comic book published by Dark Horse Entertainment. The film was released on July 29th, 2013 and was directed by Robert Schwentke. Including the cast members Jeff Bridges, Ryan Reynolds, Kevin Bacon, Mary-Louise Parker and Stephanie Szostak.
R.I.P.D actually stands for Rest In Peace Department. The movie features Ryan Reynolds (Nick Walker) and Jeff Bridges as Bobby Hayes who are detectives for the Boston Police Department. While Nick and Bobby were on a job they apparently discovered gold lying around. Nick then buries his treasure at his home trying to create a better life for his wife and for himself. He then regrets his mistake and informs Hayes about returning the gold. Later that day, during their second job that they were on with criminals shooting in a big storehouse, Nick and Bobby get in the middle of the shooting and Bobby ends up killing Nick so Nick doesn’t return the gold. After Nick dies he goes to the afterlife and is taken up in the sky where there is an office called Mildred Protector where the police officers afterlife capture spirits of Earth monsters. Nick then decides to join the R.I.P.D for a century and works with a worker named Roy Pulsipher who is his new partner that works with him at the department.
Through the movie there were some highlights and flops as in any other film. Some things that were great about the film were it was an action – packed movie and it was incredibly hilarious. The bad parts about it were that, unfortunately, Nick Walker was killed by his former partner Bobby if anything could have been changed it would have been someone saving him or if he could of paid for his mistake even though it wasn’t shocking that he was going to get killed it was heart-breaking . It was not so shocking because if someone does something bad it comes back to you one way or another.
It was not the best movie I have seen, but it was worth watching. It had some great scenes and good background. With some good aiming on gun shooting, great coloring with all sorts of colors through the movie and some good body moves rolling and twisting moves all over the place, on ladders on the edges of thing too. There were moments of peace in the film, but that turned out for the best as the movie was already action-packed. Overall it had some great actors in the film that knew how to be hilarious and make people want to watch the movie. It was well-received by me and by majority of people who watched it.
I would personally love to see another humorous movie like this. It is worth about an hour of watching with your family.