Reign, a new series on the CW, follows the life of the young Queen of Scotland, Mary Stuart, during her time at the French court starting in 1557. Her reason for being at French court is political, to marry Prince Francis in order to secure an alliance and protect Scotland. This situation quickly becomes complicated; love, lies, and deceit intertwine themselves with Mary’s and other’s lives at the castle. The series began on November 21, 2013.
The characters are portrayed by English, Australian, and Canadian actors. Adelaide Kane, who plays the character of Mary, has earned rave reviews for her acting in reign. The stars playing Bash and Francis, Torrance Combs and Toby Regbo, have also won the hearts of teenage fans.
According to Variety Toby and Bash are, “sure to make a contingent of young women with good Internet connections go positively weak in the knees.”
The show is a twist on the tragic and well-known life of Mary the Queen of Scots. Other historical figures from this time period are also included; Prince Francis, King Henry II, Catherine De Medici, and the king’s mistress Diane de Poitiers. The Pope and Queen Elizabeth also play a role in the plot, but are not shown. Along with these historic figures other have been created for the purpose of the show, noteworthy ones are; Mary’s ladies-in-waiting, the King’s illegitimate son, Bash and a seer named Nostradamus.
There are dark elements incorporated into the plot line for those who like violence and the paranormal. The castle has secret underground passageways and a dark dungeon. Pagan rituals plague the forest around the castle, victims are often found bled out at the neck and hanging from the tree by their feet. Nostradamus, who lives at the castle by the Queen Catherine’s bidding, often has visions of death and destruction. Many deaths have occurred throughout the show; some have been stabbed, burned, drowned, hung, and poisoned.
Love also plays a large role in the historical drama. Reign’s characters tend to fall in love with those who they should not love. Bash is hopelessly in Mary, even though he knows he can never have her. Mary’s ladies-in-waiting are also a part of doomed romances; Kenna begins an affair with King Henry even though he has a wife and a mistress and Greer falls in love with a peasant that works in the castle kitchen.
While the show’s producers take a lot of creative liberties some of the plot is historically accurate. The tension between France and Britain and Britain’s desire to take over Scotland play an important role in the lives of the characters. Mary’s infamous claim to the English throne is also addressed.
The shows scenery fits perfectly with the story line; with its dark forest and opulent castle. The show is shot in Ireland, which is odd because the show is set in France.
Overall the historical drama has become popular extremely popular among teenage viewers, but it may not be appreciated by adults and viewers that enjoy an accurate portrayal of history.
The New York Times wrote, “A strong candidate finally arrives Thursday night.”