Pitman High School has ninety-five teachers on campus. The Roaring Times has selected English teacher Mrs. Brooke Bettencourt as teacher of the week. Bettencourt has demonstrated all of the qualities and characteristics that make a great educator.
-How long have you been teaching?
“This is my 11th year teaching.”
-What advise would you give students going into college?
“Don’t let cost keep you from applying because there’s a lot of finical aid available and read as much as you get into the future.”
-Why did you decide to become a teacher?
“I wanted to become a teacher because in advertising there was a job open and I like having kids energize me.”
-What was your favorite subject in high school?
“My favorite subject was English because I love reading, and French because it sounded fancy.”
-What do you do for fun outside of school?
“I like to spend time with my family, going on hikes, playing board games, dancing, and reading because I love reading.”
-What is your best teaching philosophy?
“My best teaching philosophy is always be growing and make good choices”
-Do you feel as though you make an impact on your students live? If so, how?
“Well I hope to make them better and to make them succeed in life and open the world a little.”
-Many students say teachers inspire them, who inspires you? Why?
“A person who inspires me is a mythologist named Joseph Campbell because he always told people to experience life, and kids inspire me because I gain inspiration from them.”