I write then I erase, I type only to backspace. Anything I write trigers a chorus of voices in my head! “Omg he thinks that of himself” Leave me alone. “Like why would he try to be funny, thats so not funny.” Shut up! My words are swayed by judgement, and whether I am only imagining this judgement or it is actually being applied to me makes no difference. Either way, judgment lives equally in my thoughts, it attacks my actions, it molds my ambitions, it stangles my creativity! I cannot resent the judging beacuse I live by it. “How lame, a cliche!” Who asked you?! I most certainly did not, but still judgement injects its conservative jabs into my thoughts and I comply time and time again. Even now it hurts to write. Every letter, every word, every sentece, judged! Every thought, any notion, time and time again judgment rears its head, its oh so ugly head. Anger swells from every crevice of my being, but I cannot hate what dictates my exsistence. For as much as I want to hate the judgment, I cannot because I love the nagging voices to an even greater extent. My name is Grant Tallent, I love judgement be it positive or negative, real or imaginary, for it motivates me beyond all other things.
Grant Tallent – Sports Editor (12)
October 24, 2013