Emily’s Closet, created by Sandy and Petros-Meyers, serves not only as another relief organization, but a warm light for all. This organization is active every year ever since Emily and Petros-Meyers’ daughter had passed away around the same time. In honor of their daughter and many other young children who are ill, residents from Turlock gather at the Monte Vista Chapel to make ”no sew” blankets for the little kids at Children’s Hospital in Madera. This is the fourth year that Emily’s closet will be donating blankets. Last year they donated over forty blankets to needy children. Not only is it a good deed, but also a great way to make new friends.
Harleen Dail, active participant of its relief services, stated, “It is a fantastic cause and I can’t wait to be a part of it next year.”
Emily’s closet is aiming at having more volunteers next year. The only supplies needed are two pieces of fleece material one-and-a-half yards each. The two blankets will be tied together with knots around all the edges to make a unique type of blanket. One’s time spent is worth the smile that will appear on the children’s faces when they receive them.
This organization highly encourages middle and high school students to attend because it does count toward there community service hours.
Jocelyn De La Torre, junior at Pitman High stated, “I didn’t even notice how quickly the time passed. I had a great time making blankets for the kids and I received volunteer hours for my school in an easy way doing something I really enjoyed.”
This is an efficient and effective way to contribute to one’s town, make new friends, and earn volunteer hour..
Kuljit Bains, a volunteer at Emily’s Closet stated, “This event takes place every year before Thanksgiving and we are pushing to get more volunteers each year. Keep a look out on the website around this time. Your help will be greatly appreciated.”
For further questions email Sandy Petros – Meyers at [email protected] or call
(209) 277-6559.