In the agriculture department alone, there are 13 different classes to choose from. All of the agriculture classes that Pitman High have to offer are Ag Science I, Integrated Ag Biology, Ag engineering, Integrated Ag Geosciences, Small Engines and Power Equipment, Ag Welding I-III, Environmental Horticulture, Principles of Turf Grass Management, The History and Art of Floral Design (ROP), Ag Communications, and Viticulture & Environmental Science (ROP).
Viticulture & Environmental Sciences is also a newly added class this school year and is a ROP class, Regional Occupational Program, opportunity. Viticulture is a Junior/Senior class and you must be at least 16 years of age to take this course.
Ag’s Viticulture & Environmental science is also a chance to be a part of Pitman’s FFA, or Future Farmers of America.
Viticulture & Environmental Science is an agriculture class that teaches and prepares students for further studies and even occupations in the viticulture (grape growing) and wine making industry.
Throughout the year, the course journeys outside of the classroom to local vineyards and wineries. Students who take the class will learn every step of vineyard management, which expands from pruning to harvest, from crush to fermentation, and bottling, which leads to the production of a bottle of wine.
Taking Viticulture & Environmental Sciences you will be given the opportunity to be a participant in pre-professional associations such as the FFA. You will also be in competitive career development activities that will enhance your academic skills, promote your career choices, and help your future employment.
Depending on whether or not you are approved to participate in Agriculture’s Viticulture & Environmental Sciences, this course will fulfill 1 year of the elective requirement for college.