Congratulations to Pitman freshman and Front Page Editor to the Roaring Times Taylor Beckwith who was recently nominated for the Soroptomist Violet Richardson Award for her blanket collections and dedicated volunteerism with the Soroptomist volunteer orginzation. The specifics of the award serves to recognize young women ages 14-17 engaged in volunteer action within their communities or schools and whose activities have made the community and world a better place.
Aside from her nomination, Beckwith was also the recipient of a local award for her inspiring display of volunterrism: $250 and a finanical sum toward a charity of her choice. She will be honored at a dinner this Friday on March 15th.
Recent notifications have also informed the Roaring Times that Beckwith has won the regional (state) level as well and will be honored at a dinner on April 27th. Among her awards will be a plaque, $1000 and an additonal $1000 to a charity of her choice.
With these candid awards under her belt, Beckwith is now subject to enter the national level competition for her acts of volunteerism where if she is chosen, she will receive a $10,000 scholarship.
Best of luck to Taylor an congratualtions once again!