Bring down the terror. This is exactly what those playing the newly released Dead Space 3 should expect to do through an action packed campaign full of explosions, gruesome death, epic falls and a massive variety of weapons that are created through an intricate weapons modification system.
Those who played Dead Space 2 probably thought that there was no way that Dead Space 3 could top its predecessor’s amount of action. They would be wrong. The amount of epic survival scenes full of nearly impossible actions is almost ridiculous, instantly topping most scenes from Dead Space 2.
The gore in Dead Space 3 is just as satisfying as it was in previous installments though fans will have to play the entire game to find out if their is a part of the game that can top the infamous eyeball scene from Dead Space 2.
Players can also expect to learn more about the games characters, especially the main protagonist Isaac Clarke, who players have followed as he evolved from a silent protagonist with dialogue consisting of grunts and screams to a well developed and somewhat charismatic character.
The setting of Dead Space 3 is very well done and it has everything a good game needs but it simply lacks the sheer creepiness that players found in previous settings. First, players find themselves on a frozen over planet that has almost every inch of it covored in snow, instantly lighting up the atmosphere.
The second reason the game isn’t as creepy as the ones before is its constantly full of action. One moment a player will find themselves gunning down waves of necromorphs and then the next moment they will find themselves battling unitologists (those creepy cult people from the previous games) on an exploding mountain before being confronted by a beast of enormous size. Its not that the atmosphere isn’t creepy, the problem is the sheer amount of action in the game distracts players from the creepiness that is already present.
This change can be seen as good or bad depending on ones opinion of the player. Dead Space 3 is clearly more action oriented than the other games in the series.
The controls in Dead Space 3 are the same as before with one added feature: the ability to crouch. This new found ability to crouch is very useful for the firefights one frequently encounters throughout the game. Also as before, the game has perfectly blended the heads up display into the game and character appearance.
Dead Space 3 will not feature the same multiplayer game mode from before. Instead players have the ability to complete the campaign with the help of a friend via cooperative mode, in which the second player will plays as John Carver, Isaac Clarke’s hardcore soldier ally who is searching for his family amidst the chaos.