High school has more to offer than solving math problems or the difference between, “then” and “than.” High school teaches us five fundamental life skills that go beyond the period of time we actually are in high school. These five fundamental skills include teamwork, communication, organization, time-management, and decision making.
1.) Teamwork- This life skill can be learned through many different ways. It is often taught by being assigned a group project. Teamwork is essential in life because sooner or later we all face situations in which we’re dealt with dealing with a problem that we cannot fix unless we have another individual to help us. Teamwork deals with tolerance as well, being able to work with people that you do not necessarily want to interact with.
2.) Communication- Believe it or not, talking is an essential life skill that high school teaches you. Effective communication ties in with socialization. Without the ability to communicate effectively, you will almost always be able to get nothing accomplished. This is learned through oral presentations and everyday interactions with fellow peers.
3.) Organization- This is a key skill that most of us are lacking in. Being organized is definitely a life skill worth having. To accomplish a task efficiently and effectively a person has to be organized. This skill is taught by the application of everyday problem-solving in homework and club activities. You need to be able to find what you’re looking for and the easiest way to do this is by organizing.
4.) Time-management- This is perhaps the most important life skill we can learn in high school. Being able to manage your time in a way that gets things done is almost priceless. Procrastination is a nasty habit that majority of us admit to having. School and life is all about time-management, without it, everybody would be wasting their precious time. This life skill is taught in long-term assignments and by instilling responsibility through time-consuming activities.
5.) Decision making- Life is all about decisions. Should I do this, or should I do that? How can we ever figure out what to do? High school teaches us the importance of making critical decisions. Through the process of college applications and whether or not one is even going to college is enough to get you overwhelmed, but high school matures us. High school teaches us that life is life and we make mistakes, High schools teach us about decisions.