We are all looking forward to Christmas break but first, we have to get through finals. Finals week can be stressful, but by not waiting for the last minute it can be simple. There are many different reasons students find themselves stressed about finals. Having enough time for the test, being mentally prepared, and passing with a comfortable grade are all reasons students have anxiety during this busy week. Students can avoid a pain in the brain by preparing in the right ways which includes getting enough sleep, eating a healthy breakfast, and studying during finals week.
Falling asleep during a final is not a smart way to begin on a road to success. Staying up all night to study for a big test may sound like a good idea, but tests are made to make someone think. Being sleep deprived will not allow someone’s mind to think as quickly or clearly. According to the American Sleep Disorders Association, the average teenager needs around nine hours of sleep per night. By falling asleep early and getting a good night’s rest, your brain will be able to function without having to worry about falling asleep during a final.
Running late and busy schedules are reasons teens may not eat a healthy breakfast. According to the Kid’s Health website, students who eat a healthy breakfast on a daily basis are more likely to do well in school. People may over use the saying ‘breakfast is the most important meal of the day’ but it is very true. Adding a bit of protein to a morning meal can give a teen the boost of energy he or she needs to stay full and focused until lunch time to get through a final. Skipping breakfast may not feel like a big deal, but it makes a huge difference.
Getting enough sleep and eating a healthy breakfast are important ways of getting through a final, but studying is the only way to happily pass. Students go through the year learning material that will be on the final, but after a month or two that information gets lost. Reviewing material and studying will make the material fresh in your mind. Not understanding or remembering a topic on the final will lower the chances of receiving the grade that makes a student content. Good studying techniques will push you toward that grade. Effective learning comes from studying, which is the most important way to prepare for a final.
Finals week may cause students stress and anxiety, but those feelings can be avoided by preparing in the right ways. Getting enough sleep, eating a healthy breakfast, and studying are three big reasons students pass finals without much stress. Finals week does not need to be as stressful as people make it if they break things down and prepare in an organized way. Getting enough sleep and eating a good breakfast will boost your energy to keep you awake and alert throughout the test. Studying before the big test will refresh your mind. Your anxiety will not get the best of you if you prepare in the right way.