After you saw the second presidential debate, you probably speculated that Obama attained the Hispanic vote due to his immigration policy, and you guessed right. Addition to his position on immigration, Obama spends twice the amount of capital than Mitt Romney, pertaining to the funding of commercial air-time on Spanish-language television channels in three decisive states-Colorado,Florida, andNevada. A recent survey fromHispanicPewCenterdemonstrates Latino voters view on republican’s concernment with issues pertaining to Hispanics. The results were astounding, 61% of respondents think that democrats are more concern with the Hispanics then the republicans. Also Obama’s executive order permitting temporary legal status for illegal immigrants whom came here as a child- will produce large amounts of vote for him in states that are undecided. “I got involved as soon as I heard he signed the Dream Act,” said Adriana Ortiz, 37, whose sister came to theUnited Statesillegally fromMexicoas a child.
Romney’s view on government intervening with reproductive health will assist in producing a voter gap in the gender realm- which are one of the vital components to his possible loss of presidency. A recentGalluppoll determine that reproductive rights stands as the sole issue for the woman demographic.
Romney’s backing of Ryan’s plan to eradicate Medicare- and to convert it to a voucher program- will affect senior citizens voting decision; who will have to pay 6,500 dollars more Than on Medicare. These senior votes can be vital in three states-Pennsylvania,Ohio, andFlorida. Romney’s view on the auto rescue, is possibly the downfall of him. He rather see 780,000 civilians jobless- than the rescue ofDetroit. Also Obama’s economic policy can possibly create long-term prosperity for the middle class. Radically different from Romney’s policy- which will benefit the rich and demote long-term growth.
Democrats have decimated the voter suppression program—which would have required voters to have state IDs. Finally, Obama, has vastly more volunteers, field offices, experienced organizers and sophisticated social media mechanisms in vital states.