During the last week of October through the beginning days of November, boys and girls of all four grades gathered in the gym at different times and days to try out to see if they would make the teams for this fast-paced winter sport we call basketball.
Many students tried out for frosh, junior varsity, and varsity and some got moved up while trying out. Knowing that only few will make the teams and others will leave disappointed serves as motivation. The conditioning days lasted for about a week and they were also part of the try outs. The coaches could only choose about 10 to 13 people on a team, so they had to choose well and keep an eye on the players they saw had good technique.
On the girls’ basketball, the frosh coach, Julie, chose 12 girls on the team. The JV coach, Katie, chose about 11 girls, some freshmen and some sophomores. The varsity coach, Kelly, place 10 to 11 players in the team. These girls have also started the shoot-a-thon fundraiser for the season. This will help them buy uniforms and other necessary things. On the boys’ teams only about 10 to 13 made the team.
The first games start on the last week of November. The varsity game is a home game on Monday the 26th of November. Junior varsity plays their first tournament at Weston Ranch on the 29th, 30th, and 1st of November and December. The frosh team also plays the same days as the JV team, but they play an away game at Merced. The boys’ varsity plays on the same day as the girls’ varsity versus the same team. The junior varsity plays the 28th of November and the 1st of December in the Modesto tournament along with the frosh team.
Since the season is just beginning the players are practicing and getting better.
Come and cheer for our basketball players!