What can talk, take a picture, and is considered one of the modern marvels? It’s none other than the iPhone. Ever since the release of the first iPhone in 2007, phones have been revolutionized. No longer are they just meant for communication, their duties also lay within the ever expanding domain of entertainment, Now, it just so happens that the new iPhone 5 has been released. There is always an extreme amount of excitement right before the release of a new model of the iPhone, rumors are circulated, exaggerated, and exaggerated some more. Rumors regarding the iPhone 5 have included a holographic keyboard, a projector display movies, and many more seemingly far-fetched features.
“Thinner. Lighter. Faster. Simpler.” Tim Stevens, Engadget. Apple’s done it again. Expectations are high, but the reviews say it all, the iPhone 5 is a cellular powerhouse that is summed up to be the best iPhone yet. Upgrades within the new Apple product include an A6 chip, iOS 6 software, a four-inch Retina display, and all-new design that makes it eighteen percent thinner, twenty percent lighter, and have twelve percent less volume. For those that don’t speak tech talk, the iPhone 5 is basically a lot more polished and has a considerable more amount of features than its predecessors. There are several other features as well, such as remodeled earbuds, remodeled charger, the improved iSight camera, Facebook integration, and of course, the improved Siri performance. So though the new iPhone may not have the holographic keyboard or a projector to display movies, that you were hoping it would have, it still is quite the technological feat. In addition with an estimated starting price of $200, you might want to add this bad boy to your Christmas list and be extra good to Santa this year.