A massive workload, very little time, deadlines to meet, and practically having none of your work done yet definitely spells out stress. Just about everyone has been there, but how can you handle your stress? Perhaps, as an unmotivated individual, one may resort to plagiarism, or simply not do any of it at all. However, a more goal-oriented individual might allow the stress to overcome him or her while working all day and night to finish. Have you ever thought of decreasing the amount of stress? Probably not at the moment, when the core focus is to complete the assignment(s), but how about afterwards? Here’s a suggestion: try talking to your mother next time.
There’s no need to go to your mother to hear a lecture about abominable procrastination, although that’s probably a cause of this stress. In fact, your mother is an excellent source to decrease your stress because according to the study at Psychology Today (http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/teen-angst/201201/stressed-the-max-calling-mom-can-help), her voice itself can calm you down. Hearing your mother’s voice, whether through a phone or face-to-face, lowers cortisol levels and increases oxytocin levels. However, simply contacting your mother is not sufficient enough. That means texting your mother in times of stress does not do the same magic as talking to her. After all, as Lohmann points out, a human smile is not the same as a smile via text, a 🙂
Surprisingly, even in this technological era, the voice of a significant individual has the power to alleviate something as horrid as stress which is currently present in the minds of countless people. As Lohmann, author of “Stressed to the Max? Calling Mom Can Help” stated, “Human interaction is important to our well being. We were created to need each other.”
Stress, especially chronic stress, causes many other illnesses and exerts the body to quite an unhealthy extent. Stress-caused headaches, ulcers, etc. will continue to torment an individual faced with a hazardous amounts of stress. So, take some advice and learn to control that stress gnawing away at you!