The holidays bring us six weeks of delicious food, starting with Thanksgiving and going all the way up to the New Year. It is a time filled with family parties, community traditions, and celebrations in the work place, and lots of food. It is a fun, festive time of year but, it can also be a perilous time for those who are trying to watch their weight.
Now most people think, “Well it’s the holidays, it’s supposed to be fun and carefree and I don’t really want to worry about my weight”. Researchers have shown that even those in the normal weight range gain an average of about 1 pound during the holiday season and don’t lose it in the following year. By the next holiday season they gain an average of 1.5 pounds. It seems impossible to enjoy the holidays AND watch your weight, but it can be done!
First, you must commit. If you don’t have the right mindset the calories will start to add up! Second, you must eat right at home so you can indulge more when you celebrate at parties! So, plan ahead. When you know you’re going to a party, eat something healthy before you go so you don’t over indulge on the “fatty” foods. If you have a favorite holiday treat that only gets served this time a year, you are allowed to enjoy it! You just have to remember portion size. You can enjoy something just as much by eating small portions and savoring it than by quickly eating larger portions.
Another tactic you can use is to avoid stress. Being stressed out can lead you to “comfort foods” which are all easily accessible this time of year. During this holiday season you want to make it a point to keep moving! When it’s colder outside it’s harder to try and stay active, so try to get as much exercise as you can. Take the stairs, park far away, or go to the gym. By far, the most important thing to keep in mind is to not give up! If you find yourself exceeding your limit of calories, take immediate action to break the cycle. You may think you’ve already blown it but every little calorie adds to the problem.
The holidays are a time of celebration and fun but it doesn’t mean they have to make you unhealthy. Have a great holiday season and look great while doing it!