One of the most difficult disabilities a family can face is autism. Autism is a brain disorder that can cause a lifetime of broken thinking, feeling, and social functioning. It is a range of complex neurodevelopment disorders, characterized by social damage, communication difficulties, and restricted, stereotyped patterns of behavior. Autism, sometimes called autistic disorder or classical ASD, is the most severe type of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). It is the most critical development disability.
More children will be diagnosed with autism this year than with diabetes, AIDS, and cancer combined. Autism is a very common developmental disability. Experts calculate that six out of one thousand children will have an ASD. Today, about 400,000 people in theUnited Stateshave autism and boys are four times more likely to be diagnosed with autism than girls. Even though fewer girls have it, their cases of autism tend to be more severe. Seventy-five percent of people with autism are of low intelligence, while the other 15% are very smart in certain areas, such as mathematics.
Symptoms of autism can be apparent within 18 months of age. These signs include bad eye contact, delayed communication skills, having trouble with pretend play or imitation, and having problems with joint attention, which is when they try to get someone to look at the same thing they are looking at. Doctors should do a developmental screening sometime throughout children’s preschool years to check for autism. Other possible symptoms of autism are strange movement patterns, cannot explain what he/she wants, or even not responding to his/her name.
People with autism face many difficulties because it affects their ability to communicate, respond appropriately to the external world, and even their ability to form relationships with others. People who have autism tend to exhibit repetitive behaviors or obsessive interests. They find social interaction difficult and could attack or injure someone without provocation. Infants with autism often remain fixated on a single activity or item such as rocking or flapping their hands back and forth. Children with autism have sensory issues which lead them to be insensitive to pain resulting in bruises, burns and self-mutilation. They sometimes display problems with verbal and non-verbal communication, and seem closed off and shut down, or appear to be in their own little world.
Experts are not sure how autism is caused but some believe that both genetics and their environment play a part in it. Some people believe that the MMR vaccine may have caused intestinal problems which lead to the development of autism. Another theory suggests that a mercury-based preservative, which is often found in some vaccines, could be connected to the cause. As of today, no one is positive how autism has developed in so many people.
Unfortunately, autism has no cure. Although there is no way to fix autism, there are ways to help manage their symptoms or help with social behavior. Social skills training are a good way to improve their interpersonal functioning. For example, a peer modeling appropriate behavior is a good way for them to see and understand how to act. There is also medication that can be taken to help negate symptoms or most troublesome problems. Medicines can help minimize seizures or hyperactivity, for example.
There may be no complete cure of autism, but it is our responsibility to be not only informed, but to be aware of the difficulties of individuals and families who may be affected with this developmental disorder.